HAV Group ASA - News

VARD orders BWTS for six more marine robotic vessels - HAV

Written by Admin | 14.3.2022

Shipbuilding group VARD has awarded Norwegian Greentech a contract to deliver the ballast water treatment systems (BWTS) to six marine robotic vessels that will be built at Vard Vung Tau in Vietnam for an undisclosed shipowner.

VARD has designed a unique multi-purpose platform that allows for onshore remote control, light crewed or uncrewed operations. The vessels are of VARD 9 60 design. VARD has designed the vessels for an ultra-low carbon footprint and they are among the first vessels to be prepared for green ammonia and fuel cell and battery technology.  

Norwegian Greentech will deliver one of its energy efficient BWTS system to each of the six newbuild marine robotic vessels. The company has developed a method of utilizing UV and filters. The chemical-free system has a highly compact design, which is ideal for difficult-to-fit engine or pump rooms.

Jon Olav Kopperstad, senior sales manager at Norwegian Greentech.
Foto: Siv-Elin Nærø.


“VARD is constantly challenging the supplier industry to provide solutions and products that lower energy consumption, CO2 emissions, operating expenditure and the overall environmental footprint. We are very pleased about this development as it contributes towards creating even better awareness of the various BWTS features that are available in the market,” says Jon Olav Kopperstad, senior sales manager at Norwegian Greentech.

Eight plus six vessels

In December last year, Norwegian Greentech announced that it had secured a contract to deliver the BWTS to eight marine robotic vessels that VARD is building at Vard Vung Tau.

“First eight vessels and now another six. Our deliveries to the first batch of vessels are well advanced, and the next six BWTS systems will be identical to the first eight, contributing towards streamlining and de-risking the entire shipbuilding process,” adds Jon Olav Kopperstad.

Norwegian Greentech will manufacture the ballast water treatment systems at its headquarters in Fosnavåg, Norway, and deliver them to VARD’s shipyard Vard Vung Tau in Vietnam. Norwegian Greentech has not disclosed the value of the contract.

Norwegian Greentech is a subsidiary of HAV Group ASA, which is listed on Euronext Growth in Oslo, Norway.

For further information, please contact:

Børge Gjelseth, sales & marketing director, Norwegian Greentech: Tel: +47 90 06 11 97, e-mail: borge.gjelseth@norwegiangt.no

About Norwegian Greentech:

Norwegian Greentech is a supplier of sustainable systems for clean water. Its main product is a purification system for ballast water, but the company is also a significant supplier of purification systems for the ocean and land-based aquaculture industry. The company has sold more than 600 treatment systems so far, and the market is growing rapidly due to international requirements. www.norwegiangt.no