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HAV editor24.6.20212 min read

Preparing for further growth

Turnover has increased fivefold in just a few years, and Norwegian Greentech is now developing a team for further growth

Norwegian Greentech produces space and energy efficient ballast water treatment systems. The systems, developed by the company, are attracting more and more attention in the market looking for compact, easy-to-operate systems. Since 2018, the staff has increased threefold while there has been an even greater increase in turnover and Managing Director Håvard Gjelseth says the company expects to see further growth.

‘We’re confident already now in June that we will reach budgeted turnover for 2021, and the demand for our systems also promises a sharp increase in 2022.’

System quality and service

The company is now reorganising and developing a team for further growth.

Børge Gjelseth will continue as Sales and Marketing Director. Oddvar Johan Roseth will take up an executive position in the project department while Kristoffer Berge will lead the technical department. A more distinct service and aftermarket department will be led by Algis Paulauskas. Service and aftermarket have thus far been organised under the technical department.

'We are now clarifying departments and management so that we can rationalise production and follow up our customers even better and more efficiently.'

Håvard Gjelseth points out, among other things, that the service and aftermarket department is a natural consequence of the growing number of Norwegian Greentech systems in operation on vessels across the world.

‘It’s not just about selling good systems, it’s also about providing customers and those who use the systems with good support. That is why we are now renewing the organisation so that we can deliver quality to existing and new customers, both in terms of the systems and service. Worldwide service and support are very important in our industry. These changes represent a further boost, both internally and in relation to our network of partners around the world.’

As well as reorganising, several new positions will be created in the company going forward, it has moved into new, bigger production premises and is planning to move its office to larger premises right next to the production halls. 

Also seeing growth in new markets

The new organisation will not only prepare Norwegian Greentech for growth in relation to its ballast water treatment system, but also in water treatment on board wellboats and industrial water treatment, e.g. in onshore aquaculture facilities.

‘Norwegian Greentech’s method comprising filters and UV in small and energy-efficient systems means that they can be adapted and used in other parts of the maritime industry. We see opportunities here; we have lots of exciting projects under way and the new organisation will enable us to move in that direction.’


In photo: Managing Director Håvard Gjelseth together with the new management team at Norwegian Greentech. From the left Algis Paulauskas, Børge Gjelseth, Oddvar Johan Roseth, Håvard Gjelseth and Kristoffer Berge. Foto: NGT